Founded in 2019, Bionomic Organic was formed with the goal of providing economically and Ecologically Sustainable, Biodegradable, alternatives to Single Use Plastic. With Millions of tons of Single Use Plastic used worldwide which usually ends up in our water bodies (Ocean, Seas, Rivers, local Sewage System, etc.) causes immense and unquantifiable damage not only to animal and sea life but also Human Life everywhere with Plastics Reaching Mt. Everest (Highest Peak on earth) and Mariana Trench(Deepest Point on Earth) Plastic can have long lasting effects on our health as well as our future generations. Made from 100% Natural Fiber, our bagasse tableware contains 0% Toxins, is Water and oil Resistant without any plastic coating, Microwave and Freezer Friendly, does not affect taste or odour of the food, does not leech harmful chemicals into the food and biodegrades to a 100% within 90 days. We at Bionomic Organic LLP are committed to provide High Quality, Innovative and Biodegradable alternate to single use plastic.
To become a leader in manufacturing natural plant fiber and green packaging products, dedicated to enhancing consumer health and fostering environmental sustainability. At Bionomics, we aim to inspire positive change in our lifestyles by reshaping our mindset towards a healthier and happier environment, supporting the 4 R's of environment: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, and Recover.
Our vision is to prioritize collective goals over individual ambitions. In today's global challenges, we advocate for responsible consumption habits that positively impact society. At Bionomics, we empower our customers to embrace an earth-friendly lifestyle both at home and beyond. Our vision is to create a smarter, safer, and purer Earth, continuously refining and innovating for a sustainable future.
Our core values drive every aspect of our work. Integrity,
honesty, and trust define our
interactions with customers, team members, and partners. We prioritize accountability
and transparency, continually evolving through innovation to lead in sustainability.
Quality and diversity underpin our commitment to crafting eco-friendly solutions,
emphasizing sustainability, environmental consciousness, innovation, quality and
integrity, health and safety, and future-oriented practices.